What is DLPay.net ?

DLPay.net is a service operated by viviON, inc. which sells "Serial Codes" that can be converted into "DLsite Points" on DLsite

* Those DLsite Points can be used to make purchases for products and services available on DLsite. [1 DLsite Point = 1 Japanese Yen]
* As DLPay.net and DLsite are not integrated services, the serial codes you purchase on DLPay.net cannot be automatically credited to your DLsite service account. You must manually enter the serial code on DLsite to convert it into DLsite Points.

What payment methods can I use to purchase DLPay.net serial codes?

DLPay.net transactions take place via Amazon's "Amazon Pay" service.
Thus, you can make payment via the methods which Amazon accepts. For more details please refer to;
Accepted payment methods

I closed the confirmation page and cannot check my serial code.

The serial code you purchased will also be sent to the email address registered to your associated Amazon Pay account. Please check that email for the serial code.
(If you also did not receive the confirmation email, please contact us via the inquiry form below including details such as; the associated email address, the amount of points purchased, the approximate time / date of the purchase, etc.)

I am not receiving emails from DLPay.net.

Depending on your email provider, settings, and spam filters, you may experience difficulty receiving emails from us.
If you do, we recommend that you set exceptions for the following domains ("vivion.jp" / "dlsite.com" / "zendesk.com") in your email settings, or alternatively try using a different email address entirely.

My points did not get added to my DLsite account.

As DLPay.net and DLsite are not integrated services, the serial codes you purchase on DLPay.net cannot be automatically credited to your DLsite service account.
You must manually enter the serial code on DLsite to convert it into DLsite Points. The page is provided below.
DLsite: Serial Code input

I had trouble inputting my serial code on DLsite.

Please contact the DLsite Helpdesk with your transaction details and serial code information.

I was charged twice for a single transaction.

In a credit card transaction, a charge will not be deducted from your bank account until the next payment date, and should thus be pending until that day. The two charges you are looking at may be the "pending" charge, and the actual payment of that charge.
Also, all credit card payments require authorization prior to making a purchase, and if this authorization process is done with a card that is recognized as a debit / prepaid card and then fails, a small amount may be instantly charged. When your card company receives your actual transaction information, (or no information at all), such charges should finally be corrected.

I would like a refund.

DLPay.net purchases are non-refundable.

(If you accidentally closed the web browser before checking the code and did not receive the confirmation email for some reason or another, you should contact us via the inquiry form below and we will send you the code again. We ask that you include details such as; the email address associated with transaction, the amount of points purchased, the approximate time / date of the purchase, etc.)

I have a question about DLsite, DLsite Points, my DLsite account, etc.

If you have questions regarding DLsite services, please contact the DLsite Helpdesk.

The website doesn't display properly on my browser.

If you cannot browse properly, please try deleting your cache and cookies and try again.

Recommended browsers: The latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox (enable JavaScript and Cookies). If you experience issues browsing our page, please contact us via Contact us.